Since we are sick to death of explaining what Ossuary Insane "means"? What
is the definition? Here is the difinitive answer unquestionably.
os*su*ary- Etymology: Late Latin ossuarium, from Latin, neuter
of ossuarius of bones, from Old Latin ossua: a depository for the bones of the dead.
in*sane- Latin insanus, from in-+sanus sane. 1: mentally disordered:
exhibiting insanity. 2: used by, typical of, or oriented for insane persons <an insane asylum>. 3: absurdity
O fucking I
There will only be one O.I
For All Times Sake!
The Triumvirate Of The Original Cast
Celebrant/Prophet/Rage! Period.
The here and now... the end of July 2005.
Yes, this is the one and only Ossuary Insane website currently available for your
online whoring and adoring. Custodial care strickly from the band itself, therefore expect no rumour mills churning out
putrified lies and deceptions. Anyway, following is a straight-to-the-point biography/discography at least for the time being.
THE BIRTH OF A STAR... The Great Ossuary Insane was formed approximately
in the extreme's of early 1991 or there abouts.
The Founding Fathers of this here maginficently monumental unification are,
and still remain to this very day, triple purveyours of devotion and uncomprimising dedication never once tempted by the spiritless
lobotomization of capitalistic greed, nor the sick mongrelization of genre's that in no possible way whatsoever should have
ever been conceived nor marketed! Yes, we speak of "nu-metal" or "rap-jump metal" or whatever falsification one would
label such inhumane degeneracy to the ear canals. The eternal contagions CELEBRANT- Vocals/Guitar/Script's,
PROPHET- Guitar/Script's, RAGE- Drums. 1995 saw the first self financed recording on cassette format only entitled
"Fallen To The Pits". Long out of print now, this is truly a classic demo in the
underground rampaging relentlessly from ear to ear and garnishing a considerable amount of praise worthy press and tape
trading which is still at the very heart of its perpetual discovery to this day. 1996
saw the self financed release of the first full length recording entitled initially "Demonized"
on cassette format only once again. Gracefully through undying dedication of righteous tape trading worldwide within the almighty
metal hordes this recording found itself a CD release contract in Germany on the now gone, but never forgotten underground
label Galdre Records. The result is the 1998 CD European Import with the 3 demo tracks as bonus in addition re-titled "Demonize The Flesh". After a long and torturous absence from the scene entirly due to internal
conflict and your typical non-productive disputes, nothing further was released until 2001 which saw the return of The Great
Ossuary Insane with it's original line-up for another glorified release of a 3 track promotional CD. Which would turn
out to be the final recording with the original masters of the true to form line-up together, sadly, and most unfortunately,
the ending of a once unending brotherhood. However, never released to the genuine masses savored only by a select few for
the time being. Again the same year 2001 saw another 3 track recording and thus the same outcome was rendered audible
to a select few mainly for air play. Both releases where not titled (as a whole), nor produced in promotional quantities.
However, undeniable death/thrash metal bliss was most devastatingly accomplished without question on both recordings!
Then another typical hiatus was unrighteously conscripted due to ineptitude and just an over all retarding scenerio
and lack of enthusiasm for everything in general, speaking for myself at this point in the madness. Although the music never
suffered even remotely during all the slaggings, slanderings and corrupting heartlessness that has always been the
skin encloaking the skeleton of absolute damnable insanity and chaotic eruptions that forever is Ossuary Insane, undoubtedly
everything else did suffer and the ultimate conclusion is overtly obvious now. That which is the most recent recording
in 2004 (with a new line-up replacing a drummer adding a bassist and another vocalist) consisting of 6 tracks in
total titled "Shallow Roadside Grave". This CD release, once again, was, until now, for only
a select few. This, however, is no longer the scenerio as all whom desire to listen have now the undeniable opportunity to
indulge in a sampling of two full mp3 tracks from said recording. Soon the entirety of the CD will be released, whether self
financed or label supported, irregardless availability will absolutely be much deserved and rendered to the screaming metal
masses who's infinite loyalty from the underground is paid in full and with the utmost olde school genuine respect with
the return of uncomprimising and unrelenting from start to finish ossuary insanity! We would deliver it in NO OTHER
I do so wish for all you horrendous fiends of metal musick's immortal legions
to enjoy this little piece of purgatory in worldwide web hell!
We wish to extend much gratitude and hails to Nick of 93X Metal Shop Radio Show for
the massive amount of airplay and show promotion! Jeff of InterNet Radio Show and Wes of Radio
for much needed kick ass airplay! Thanks to as well! Y'all fucking ROCK ON! Jeff of SCHMITTY'S tattoo's for
the sick-as-all-fucking-hell ink2skin work!
Eternal Hails to everyone who has ever supported Ossuary Insane in any way possible
with honest and true intentions in heart and soul for the sake of goddamn METAL fuckin' music, you cuntsuckers!
To the underground musick fan base worldwide: Until Next Skull Crushing time...Keep your Horns UP! Take care (Of Metal!)
~ Prophet/Celebrant/Ossuary Insane 666 ~
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View more pictures of The Founding Fathers Of O.I here: